Friday, November 13, 2009

a letter to..............

the education minister,

subject: instant urge to start new courses in mba in society
i want to inform you that there is an instant urge to expand the course  structure from finance, hr, marketing to some more courses like home management, political party management, chai-pani management, love life management and riot management. It is not based on fluke but after a good market research conducted by my own venture “society watchman pvt ltd”.
  Starting from HOME MANAGEMENT, where main subjects will be Dowry management, saas –bahu management(mother-daughter in law),fuel management, khusat (aged) management. The question arises why dowry management? It is because without  good managers in our society, often GROOMS are sold at very cheap rate and if proper planning and segmentation is done for target market and customer base by a skilled manager than this major problem can be solved. Second subject is saas-bahu management, which will include matching horoscope of both saas and bahu (not the bride and groom) because the tension starts when in-laws come in picture. So with this course, there will be less divorce  in society. The most important subject is fuel management because it is related to financial aspect.  Many times we find that more kerosene is used in setting a bride on fire which can be minimized by proper utilization of resources. Sometimes the burnt brides go to the police and all in-laws are sent to jail . If proper training is given to the in-laws than this will not happen. Thus this subject is very important. And lastly khusat management, which will teach the young generation how to throw your parents on road because they are useless .
     Next comes, the chai-pani management (bribe management). In india you have to give  CHAI PANI for all the government  related worker but the main problem is that this sector is not organized and there is no union for them. What we find is that many times, they are exploited by income tax officials and CBI and other agencies. What a shame for a country with maximum number of corrupt people, we are still hanging on the 7th position in the list of most corrupt  nations. We should definitely do something about this.
  Another important course is love life management, which will teach how to write suicide notes, new ways of committing suicide, how to minimize the telephone bills ,how to invest on girls optimally, what sort of ammunition to use in case of a fight and the scope is immense.
             I hope you will agree to me on these issues and will start these courses in the near future. For this, the whole humanity will be grateful to you.
Yours Sincerely,
endangered spicies

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